How to Get Good Skin and Facial Exercise to Keep it Firm.

on Wed 10 Mar

How to Get Good skin and Facial Exercise to Keep it Firm.

  These are few of the Vitamins needed for good skin it also needs Fat and Protein to stay looking young.

Vitamin A – For soft and firm skin it also prevents dry skin giving the skin a glow.

Foods such as, Egg yolk, Salmon, Cod liver oil, and leafy greens contains Vitamin A if you do not want to take a supplement.

Vitamin E – Protect against ageing, fine lines and wrinkles this vitamin act as an antioxidant in the body.

Foods such as Leafy greens, olive oil, nuts and avocado contains Vitamin E if you do not want to take a supplement.

To slow ageing: No smoking, Reduce Sugar and Stress.

Facial massage can be done using PatsyB Marula Facial Oil.