Cleanse ,Tone, Moisturise

on Wed 6 Feb


Cleanse ,Tone ,Moisturise

This is the 3 main steps to maintain a healthy skin, cleanse tone and moisturise should be done 2 times per day that's morning and evening.

Morning because we sweat and produce oils on our face at night and evenings because we are now caring the days environment on our face.

Cleansing removes excess oils , dead skin cells and impurities from the skin and helps to improve its health and radiance . 

The toner aids in removing any left behind dirt or oils from your cleansing treatment and restores the skins PH balance.

Moisturising the best way to hydrate your skin, whether your skin is Dry, Sensitive or Oily-Combination this stage of your home-care cannot be missed out.

At all times use the moisturiser that is best suited to your skin type for maximum benefits.